Trash (Mighty Mike’s Mix)

Trash (Mighty Mike’s Mix) $3.99


According to family legend, when my fifth generation-grandfather, Daniel Boone, went out trailblazing through the Cumberland Gap, his wife, Rebecca packed a satchel with food to keep him fortified. She would pack it full of nuts, cubes of bread, dried fruit, and other things, mixed in savory herbs and spices that she baked in some animal fat and vegetables to enrich it all with flavor.

Today, we have created a snack with similar ideas, baked in Mighty Mike’s Utility Sauce. Those that have tried this snack say that it is hard to put down and, in gentle terms, can be downright addictive. My Pop used to say, “Are you makin’ the (family) Trash again?” So, around the house, we call it the Trash. Try it! You’ll like it as much as old Dan’l did!

Might’s sauces are sure to become a staple in your kitchen too!

For Maine residence to purchase please contact us at:

Phone: (207) 754-9927